These are examples and featured streams published with Dilmot:

Proust Questionnaire
The Proust Questionnaire is a questionnaire about one's personality. Its name and modern popularity as a form of interview is owed to the responses given by the French writer Marcel Proust. Source:

Live Stream Q&A chat with KEVIN McKIDD - June 12, 2015
* Send questions by using form below once chat starts.
* Identify yourself with your name or Facebook/Twitter.
* Answers published in real-time, no need to refresh browser.
* Questions only show up once Kevin has answered them.
* Duration of chat :
30 minutes
* This is a live written Q&A with Kevin McKidd. (no video)
* Use scroll bar on right side of chat box to see full stream.
* Please do not submit the same Q multiple times. It clogs chat stream & makes it harder for Kevin to answer in timely manner. Be patient. Lots of questions are asked.
NOTE: Questions deemed inappropriate will be moderated and will not be answered or published to the chat stream.